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Symbolism In Madhubani Painting

Have you ever visited someone's house and sat in the living room when the painting that immediately caught your eye was the focal point of the space? Therefore, if you asked the host what kind of art it was, they may have responded that it was a handmade Madhubani painting. Madhubani painting is a very common site in the home and hotels of Indians. Madhubani Painting is a very common yet valuable type of art that you can see in Asian homes. One of the earliest types of Indian art is Madhubani art. It was created in the Mithila region of Bihar and is also known as Mithila painting. On a canvas, Madhubani traditional art typically features scenes from mythology and nature. The magnificent artwork has won widespread recognition for its elaborate motifs and patterns in both the Indian and international markets.

Blooming Lotus flower in Madhubani Painting

The lotus bloom, which has a profound cultural significance in Indian culture, is one of the symbols used most frequently in Madhubani paintings. In Hinduism, the lotus is associated with many gods, including Brahma, Vishnu, and Lakshmi. It is commonly used in religious rites and rituals since it is regarded as a sacred flower. The lotus, which represents purity, enlightenment, and divinity, is widely shown in Madhubani paintings in a range of colors, including pink, blue, and white.

Deer, Deer couple, or a Family of deer in Madhubani Painting 

Deer is a major motif in Madhubani paintings, it has great cultural and religious significance in Indian culture. Hinduism associates the deer with Lord Krishna, who is frequently seen with a herd of deer around him while playing the flute. Goddess Saraswati, who is frequently portrayed riding a deer, is also connected to deer. The deer is frequently portrayed in vivid colors and elaborate patterns in Madhubani paintings and is considered to symbolize beauty, elegance, and kindness. The deer is a common representation of the lush forests and wildlife of the Mithila region since it is also a symbol of nature and the environment.

Peacock sitting in branch or showing off her feathers in Madhubani Painting

Another common motif in Madhubani paintings is the peacock, which is frequently painted in vivid hues of blue, green, and purple. The Hindu god Kartikeya, who is frequently portrayed riding a peacock, is connected to the peacock. The goddess Saraswati, who is frequently seen with a peacock feather in her hair, is also connected to the peacock. The peacock is utilized as a symbol of beauty, grace, celestial love, wisdom, romance, wealth, and good fortune in Madhubani paintings. 

Brightly shining sun or sun god Surya

In Madhubani paintings, the sun is frequently shown as a huge, circular shape with light beams coming from it. The sun is a potent symbol in Indian culture. The sun is a representation of force, energy, and vibrancy and is connected to numerous gods, especially Surya, the sun god. The sun is frequently utilized in Madhubani paintings to symbolize fresh beginnings along with the circle of existence and its end.  The sun in Madhubani artworks symbolizes prosperity, growth, and positivity. 

Standing Elephant or showing his trunk 

In Indian culture, the elephant is a representation of power, knowledge, and wealth and is frequently seen in Madhubani paintings. Lord Ganesha who is frequently seen with an elephant's head, is connected with the elephant. Goddess Lakshmi who is frequently seen with elephants encircling her, is also connected to the elephant. The elephant frequently serves as a metaphor for strength, intellect, and good fortune in Madhubani paintings.

Madhubani painting is an exquisite and complex art form that has a strong cultural foundation in India. The Madhubani tradition heavily incorporates the symbols utilized in these paintings, which have deep cultural importance. Whether it's the lotus flower, peacock, sun, fish, or elephant, each sign holds its own distinct meaning and message, and it adds depth and complexity to the brilliant and colorful world of Madhubani art. Most of these Madhubani paintings are created by local artists of Madhubani Village of Bihar. These indigenous artists are doing their best to safeguard their culture and tradition and in that Dirums is helping them to reach a global audience. In order to ensure the development and relevance of Madhubani art in the contemporary world, Dirums is encouraging and promoting cultural exchange programs, workshops, and collaborations that can help them in bridging the gap between conventional art forms and contemporary sensibilities. These artists do not need much from us, they just need some appreciation and support to keep going. 


Rakshanda Iqbal

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